6 Ways to Win the Battle Against Snoring

6 Ways to Win the Battle Against Snoring

Getting a good night’s rest is one of the best things that we can do for our health and well-being, but what happens when you have a partner sharing your bed that sounds like a lumberjack? Snoring can be a very frustrating and inconvenient problem to have to deal with, no matter whether you’re the snorer or the one being affected by the noise, and trying to find a way to stop or prevent the problem can be confusing and exasperating. What’s why we’ve come up with these 6 simple tips to help you fight (and win) the snoring war.

1) Combat Nasal Stuffiness

Irritated sinuses or a stuffy nose can lead to snoring. Luckily, this problem can easily be addressed with the use of nasal strips, sprays, or decongestants. Dry sinus passages can also be soothed with the use of a humidifier or vaporizer in the bedroom. If you are having other symptoms that might be caused by seasonal allergies, you should discuss taking an antihistamine with your doctor to get the most effective results.

2) Proper Pillow Engagement

Elevating your head with firm pillows while sleeping can help to align your neck and jaw properly, which will keep your tongue from moving back and obstructing your airway - another cause of snoring. Try propping your head up at least 4 inches when going to bed or consider investing in a special anti-snoring pillow to do the work for you.

3) Battle the Bulge

Snoring has been directly linked to excess body weight, and studies have shown that even a loss of just a few pounds can make a big difference in fighting the war against the snore. Along the same lines, sleep experts have proven that better muscle tone can help prevent the relaxation of the throat muscles that lead to snoring. Exercising regularly will help you to get better, deeper sleep and to keep you (and your partner) free from the hassle of snoring.

4) Regiment Your Diet

Certain foods can actually trigger snoring, especially if eaten right before bedtime. Dairy products, honey, and margarine have all been linked to snoring in some people, so be sure to take a look at what you’re eating and see if there is a correlation to your snoring and your diet. As well as some foods, it has been shown that medications with sedating effects can lead to snoring, due to a relaxing of the muscles at the back of the throat. Be sure to consult your doctor about alternatives if you think that your medication could be a cause for your battle with snoring.

5) Fight Bad Habits

Both alcohol and tobacco consumption have been shown to cause snoring. Be sure to limit alcoholic beverages to no more than two per day, and avoid them totally before bed. Smoking can cause irritation to both the nose and the throat, leading to a fitful night of snores and tossing and turning. See your doctor to discuss the easiest and most effective ways to quit.

6) Defend Your Position

One of the most common causes of snoring can be improper sleeping position and sleeping on an unsupportive mattress. Try switching from laying on your back to sleeping on your side, and look into a more supportive gel foam mattress, as they have been linked to a more restful night’s sleep due to better sleep positions. If you find that these solutions aren’t helping, you’re gasping for air while sleeping, or you wake up feeling exhausted after a full 8 hours of sleep, you could be suffering from sleep apnea, and you should talk to your doctor about the best way to get you back to a peaceful and healthy night of sleep.
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